Here’s 10 Ways You Can Do It…
What is aging today when 50 is now midlife? In reality we begin to age from the day we are born, but most of us don’t consider ourselves old until we reach a certain milestone—such as 20, 30, 40, or some later decade birthday. Regardless of our definition of aging, the good news is that we can do a lot in order to age gracefully. We can respect our bodies by caring for our hearts, lungs, minds, bodies and spirits. We can care for our teeth, skin, hair, hands and feet. We can watch our weight and eat healthy food. We can challenge our minds and nurture our souls. We can make an enormous difference in the quality of our lives by doing just a few things to improve our overall health. Here’s our top 10 ways to age gracefully: Diet Protect Your Skin Exercise Depression Injury See Your Doctor Cigarettes Your Brain Health Folate Stay Active At the Facial Bungalow we have an entire menu designed to aging gracefully! Please visit our website for additional details, or call our office to find out more at 323-570-2664.