As we age, fine lines and wrinkles begin to form and our skin loses its smoothness and elasticity. Most of us lead an outdoor lifestyle. Years of sun

exposure also causes changes in our complexion. Skincare companies and drug companies have released numerous products that contain derivatives of vitamin A with the promise of preventing and reversing these signs of aging. Two popular forms are retinol and Retin-A, the brand name for a form of retinoic acid. The two are often believed to be interchangeable, but the main difference is that retinol is eventually converted into retinoic acid.
Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A, while Retin-A is derived from retinoic acid, a synthetic derivative of vitamin A, and considered a pharmaceutical. Manufacturers of these products suggest that retinol will help get rid of or improve the appearance of wrinkles.
Retin A
Retin-A is the brand name for Tretinoin. Unlike retinol, Retin-A is only available by prescription. It is mainly prescribed as an acne treatment or anti-aging treatment, and is much stronger than retinol, and also has a direct effect as a skin treatment. By providing a light chemical peel, Retin-A helps speed up the natural exfoliation process and enhance collagen production.
The bottom line is both of these are active ingredients in a number of highly effect acne and anti-aging products. Remember to always consult your Esthetician or Dermatologist before using these strong doses of Vitamin A. Our team is always on hand to answer questions and give advice on acne and the treatments available at the Facial Bungalow. Feel free to drop us a line at or call 323-570-2664.