The Titan laser treatment is a cutting edge procedure that helps achieve a more youthful, tighter and healthier looking skin. As people age, one of the most common skin complaints is sagging, loose skin. Even women and men who do not have substantial wrinkles can suffer from sagging skin, which cannot be treated with traditional wrinkle-reducers like Botox or fillers like Restalyne, collagen or Juvederm.
The Titan laser treatment is an ideal solution for people with sagging or loose skin. The Titan laser treatment works by targeting the collagen production below the top layer of skin, stimulating it to multiply and create firmer, tighter skin from within. Unlike Botox, Restalyne or Juvederm, the Titan laser treatment enables the body to naturally repair itself to create more youthful skin. Also, unlike these temporary treatments, the Titan laser treatment will have improved results over the course of time as the collagen continues to grow. Other treatments will fade away and require constant upkeep, making them more expensive in the long term.
Our team is always on hand to answer questions and give advice on lasers, skincare and the treatments available at the Facial Bungalow. We would also be happy to give you a referral for procedures like Titan Laser technology. Feel free to drop us a line at or call 323-570-2664.